God is watching.
The Holy Church of Sacred is rotting from within, and Pastor David Ingram’s mission is to restore it. Young, charismatic, and hot-tempered, David moves with his husband and young son to Sacred, Georgia to preach God’s Word. Following the mysterious, brutal death of the former pastor, David has been tasked with healing the fractured congregation.
Eli Parsons leads the dissidents within the church. The Parsons founded the church, Eli’s blood deep in the faith. He hates David for his unashamed sexuality, for stealing his church—and for seeing through his facade, into the secrets Eli keeps. Secrets like the grotesque, nude figure of Christ in Eli’s basement and the suffering at the core of Eli’s worship.
Eli’s presence in the faith strains David’s belief, not only in his God, but in what shape he takes. Words turn to violence, and God’s watchful eye is all that keeps David from losing himself in righteous fury and sacrificing everything he’s built.
When David is pushed to the breaking point, he must choose—be the better man, or sate his thirst for bloody justice as the dark shape of God watches.